Mini Photography Lesson #1

This is a mini-lesson for my older students.  You'll need a digital camera with a manual setting or some sort of setting for photographing objects up close (the flower setting).  

Start with my video intro:

*NOTE* In my video I talk about the f-stop, but I am incorrect in saying that as the f-stop gets higher the lens opens more, it is actually the opposite. Sorry!

Now here is a tutorial for you to read about aperture.

And now for the assignment:
Take a photo with a low f-stop (aperture). This should create an image where your focal point is in focus, but the background is blurry. In order to really get the most out of the fuzzy background- think about patterns or color that will help bring focus to the focal point. The final part of the assignment is for you to utilize the rule of thirds to create a pleasing composition. Put your focal point in one of the intersections of the thirds lines.

Examples below:
